Keeping myself busy at Home

Keeping myself busy at Home

We all have to stay at home now to comply with social distancing because of the spread of the disease Coronavirus. Because of this, we here at Unbrokenshop are recommending a series of activities that you can try to make your quarantine period more entertaining and enjoyable.

Generally, those of us who practice cross-training and fitness train our bodies a lot with heavy exercise routines and healthy meals, but it's also important to take care of your mental health. Here are some activities to relax and calm your mind during these stressful times.

  • Watch movies

Watching movies is one of the best ways to entertain ourselves because they both distract and teach us lessons through their messages. The two hours that we spend enjoying a good film allow us to take away thoughts and opinions that we may have never come across otherwise.

What’s the best service to find movies on? Netflix is ​​very popular but sometimes we can search forever before we find something to watch. You can save time by going to YouTube for reviews and recommendations on what to watch. Once you find the movie you want, search it on Netflix or any other streaming service that you own.

Cross training and fitness Unbrokenshop

  • Read

Another activity that we recommend to get you through social distancing is reading. If you aren’t someone who reads regularly, you can listen to audiobooks instead from the comfort of your couch or your bed. You can find these inexpensive audiobooks online through platforms such as iTunes and Amazon.

If you have no idea what books you want to read, you can do the same thing as you did with movies and save time by going to YouTube for reviews and recommendations on what to read. There’s plenty of subjects that might suit your interests such as business, food, mental health, etc.

  • Different perspectives

Right now it's very important to watch the news so that you’re up to date on the  Coronavirus situation in our country and the rest of the world. If you don’t usually watch a lot of television or you tend to get bored with it some alternatives might be better for you to watch.

There’s a series on Youtube called "Tedex" which provides lots of information from various points of view on important topics in a lecture format. It is an interesting platform that covers almost all topics of interest while being very entertaining.

  • Making our materials

Making our cleaning products is another activity that we can do while social distancing. Good hygiene is the best way to fight Covid-19! We can save money and keep ourselves entertained by making our cleaning products at home. This is also very beneficial because we have to avoid going outside, and a lot of supermarkets are running short on supplies.

Cross training and fitness Unbrokenshop

There’s plenty of videos on Youtube that give good advice on what you can do to help at home. Vitamin C can be found in fruits such as oranges and lemons, not just vitamins from pharmacies. Some recipes for homemade disinfectants show that they can be made with vinegar and other components found at home.

Alcohol gel is one of the hardest to find products in supermarkets today. If you can’t get your hands on any hand sanitizer, homemade soap is the next best thing. Various tutorials on how to make soap at home can be found on Youtube as well.

Always following the CDC guidelines and recommendations.

  • Explore spirituality and religion

For anyone who considers themselves religious or spiritual, this is an opportunity to strengthen that part of yourself by reading books or watching movies with religious themes. Religion can be a very positive influence on people’s lives so this opportunity might be very beneficial for them.

A lot of us don’t know as much about the religion we practice as we’d like to so this might help us get a better understanding of our beliefs as a positive way of getting us through quarantine.

Cross Training and fitness Unbrokenshop

  • Be empathetic towards your partner

By spending more time at home, we will also end up spending more time with our partners which can sometimes cause conflict.

Right now it's important to have empathy towards the people we love. Some books can help us and our partners understand ways to solve any problems we may have in our relationships.

Several of these books highlight the importance of understanding each other because often we don’t take the time to see things from their perspectives. Let's remember that we are all our human beings and sometimes we need empathy and support when it comes to disagreements.

Cross training and fitness Unbrokenshop

A good book can help couples work on their problems and continue strengthening the relationship, along with providing tools for any future relationship problems. Even if you might not need it right now, it can be beneficial in the future and you might not have as much free time later as you do right now.

  • Run errands for those who need it

Let's not forget that its important to help others. Remember that older adults and those with health problems are the people most at risk of getting the coronavirus. Because of this, we’re advising if you know an elderly person near your home, you should offer to help them by shopping whatever for food or medicine that they might need. They should avoid going out at all costs, so this extra help from someone who isn’t at as big of risk could go a long way.

  • Get things done at home

You can also spend your time working on things that need to be done at home. Maybe you can fix a light bulb that doesn't work, renovate a piece of furniture, painting a room, throwing out old clothes, cleaning a  backpack, etc. We always have something to get done.

Cross Training and Fitness Speed Jump Rope adjustable specially designed for double under from focusflproductions on Vimeo.

  • Here are our recommendations for exercise routines and good nutrition at home.

These are only some of the activities that we can do to stay busy at home, in addition to exercise routines and good meals. For even more information on the subject, you can check out our previous blog. Hopefully, we’ve kept you entertained for a moment with our recommendations regarding exercise routines and healthy here at our blog.

Since you’re training at home, don’t forget that we’re offering the best protective gear out there such as our vests and jump ropes so that your workouts don’t have to stop and can continue raising your level as an athlete.



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